Our Services

Detect: Bioenergetic Scan
Our bioenergetic scanning technology accurately assesses over 500 wellness data points, including influences from environmental toxins and sensitivities, nutrition issues, energetic blocks, and past shocks and traumas ...

Correct: Infoceuticals
Our unique line of Infoceuticals (water-based frequency remedies) address the body's energy environment and help turn on the body's self-repair system. Infoceuticals help you to activate your body’s own healing system on a cellular and energetic level...

Restore: Bioenergetic Therapies
Bioenergetic therapies, such as Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an ancient energy art referred to as "acupuncture without the needles" and Energy4Life's miHealth device, a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that combines advanced PEMF, SCENAR and TENS technology with proprietary signals, help to support and stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.​​

Workshops & Study Groups
Learn how to boost your immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, eliminate fatigue, manage pain and recovery, improve sleep and more in a Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self Care workshop.
Designed for corporations and businesses, schools, hospitals, interest groups.